meg schulman

Meg Schulman is a proven & experienced equestrian and educator. With over 55 years in the arena as a teacher, Meg has brought her students to many equitation finals across the country. In addition to training, Meg is an "R" rated judge and accredits her success with her clients to a thorough understanding of the show ring from both sides of the in gate.

"Judging gives a much broader perspective on what is happening in our industry. It shows you how good people are in different parts of the country, what the standards are, what standard you have to teach to depending on that area, and how good do you have to be to realistically have a chance to qualify. Judging gets you out of your area with a much broader perspective on just how good you have to be." 

head trainer


Meehan grew up spending half the year in Chicago, and the other half in Wellington, Florida. Born into a multi-generational family of horsemen, her passion for horses began at home with her father’s home-bred polo ponies and her mother’s love of hunter ponies. 

In 2008, at the age of 8, she piloted her small green pony “Monroe” to the USEF National Horse of the Year Small Green Pony and USEF Grand Green Pony Hunter Champion for 2008. Her medium pony, “Biloxi Blue” was USEF National Reserve Champion that same year. 

As a young junior rider Mimi became a working student for Fox Meadow Farm where she qualified for, and competed in all the major equitation finals. She won Leading Equitation Rider at Horse Shows By the Bay in Traverse, Michigan. 

Meehan has ridden for many of the industries top professionals. She maintains a close relationship and ability to continue to learn from the best horsemen in the industry. 

In 2021, Meehan purchased and imported three young prospects from The Netherlands and spent the winter carefully starting them for their competitive futures. The hunters are her passion, Mimi is also a competitive polo player and loves to hike and camp with her canine partner Po.

assistant trainer & rider